Titus Andronicus at Black Cat
At this point I don't remember which came first, Titus Andronicus the band or Titus Andronicus the play. They've been around forever and clearly there is no stopping them. So please just enjoy these photos, painstonkingly captured by me from my vantage point in the pit (and then later at stage far left when the pit wore me out).

Titus Andronicus at Brooklyn Bowl
Titus Andronicus is not exactly a traditional punk band. They do quite a few songs about relationships (not exactly a major punk topic) and also a few about real ships, mostly on their Civil War themed album called "The Monitor". Their mosh pit, however, is exactly like a traditional punk mosh pit. Either a bunch of exactly 21-year-old kids tried to murder me or there were dozens of people there who really didn't understand how to bowl. Apparently I look way to much like a bowling pin (this is true, sadly).
For a better writeup of the show may I recommend Speak Into My Good Eye. They have a great write-up of the show and ran a few of my pictures.

Titus Andronicus at Glasslands Gallery
Glasslands Gallery has colorful lighting, garish wall decorations, pretty good sound and no airflow. They have two ceiling fans at the front of the stage, apparently to cool off the lead singer and the most aggressive audience members. Drummers can suck it. Everyone else can suck down the free water (and assorted non-free adult beverages) and enjoy the music.

Titus Andronicus at Maxwell's