The Warhawks at Ortlieb's
This was my first indoor concert in more than a year. About time dammit! Of course things aren't completely back to normal. Bands aren't really touring yet so while there are shows they're all local bands. Since Philadelphia is a part of New Jersey* here we have New Jersey band The Warhawks headlining at Ortlieb's.
So who are these local boys. Well, I want to call The Warhawks a party band but that's not really true. A couple of their songs are on the bouncy pop-rock side ("Deliver" comes right to mind) so there's a hint of that. They're also not the NJ stereotype of Springsteen copycats trying to make every song sound epic but... Other Side of Life is actually kinda like that. Most of their stuff is crunchy guitar rock though. Maybe it's best to call them a high-energy indie rock band which experiments with other styles a bit.
As a photographer I have to comment something I noticed at Ortlieb's. One of the spotlights was pointed at the ceiling for some reason. Last time that spotlight wasn't working at all. Now they've got it lighting up the stains on the ceiling. Are those beer stains? Blood stains? Who knows? The point is that I humbly request that somebody who can reach up there should point that thing at the bands.
* Not literally but, you know, spiritually.

Heavy Temple at The International Bar
Live music wasn't feeling so hot for a while there but it is recovering nicely. Seen here: Heavy Temple, the headliner of day 1 of the Live On Front festival whipping the crowd into to a headbanging frenzy. On top of that West Philly Porchfest was the same day. Outdoor music festivals have returned thank you very much. They picked the right band to headline too. Not that I'm complaining about the rest of the lineup but Heavy Temple's sound is powerful and works so well in a big outdoor venue. The crowd definitely loved these guys.