New Bomb Turks at The Bell House
The last time I caught New Bomb Turks at The Bell House the vibe was kind of goofy. Front man Eric Davidson is always like that but there was also a guy on stage flapping around like a chicken and just plenty of lighthearted moments. This time the mood was weirdly aggressive. Once of my friends actually took off early because of that.
At least the band sounded good. That doesn't always happen with one-off shows like this but they were definitely sharp tonight. Those who could hold up had a great time.
Nervosas at The Bell House
You can probably tell that Nervosas are an aggressive, vaguely malicious punk band they so clearly resemble. But they were particularly unsettling on this occasion. Maybe it had something to do with the monitors but the drum part seemed to be way off. I doubt it was intentional, and unfortunately it took away some of that driving energy they normally have. Oh well, at least they looked good doing it.
Guitar Lightnin' Lee at The Bell House
How do you know a musician is a traditionalist? They're on MySpace but not Facebook. Okay, bad joke, but clearly Mr. Lee is not all about the marketing. His pitch is simpler: come watch me play. If you have the chance, I would recommend doing so.
Barrence Whitfield and The Savages at The Bell House
Barrence Whitfield is one agile fellow considering that (how do I put this delicately?) he's been doing this for a while. Hell, I thought Ken Boothe was surprisingly agile, jumping around as he did. Barrence Whitfield was doing somersaults off the monitors. Dang.
Nightmare Air at The Bell House
You know how in NYC we have this trio which they call the loudest band in town and who bring their own lighting to shows? Well, it turns out that LA has one too, and their name is Nightmare Air. Not that I'm saying that LA is copying us (*ahem*). I'm just saying that we've already got one. But if they're as awesome as these guys we'll happily take two. They'll make a nice set, say for when guests come over for supper.
Naomi Shelton and the Gospel Queens at The Bell House
I don't think you will be shocked to learn that Naomi Shelton and the Gospel Queens perform gospel music. You might however be surprised at how much of a show they can put on without being ostentatious. All it takes is heartfelt singing, a fine backing band who can take the lead every now and then, a good mix of tunes, and a band leader who knows how to exault without talking down to the audience.
That last part is important. This is actual gospel music with explicit Christian themes and no intention of sugar-coating them. Don't worry if that's not your thing, they don't ram religion your throat. They do however make glorious music which any music lover is sure to enjoy.